Welcome to oldias (online dialysis) patient knowledge portal!
This portal is made for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.
There is clear evidence to demonstrate that better-educated patients achieve better treatment outcomes. A patient who fully understands their condition, the treatment options, the preparation for treatment and overall restrictions and requirements for higher quality of life attains better outcomes.
Therefore, this page has been created to provide support and information to ESRD patients on what you can do in order to raise the dialysis treatment efficiency and quality of life.
The portal has 3 sections:
- education -> in this section you can find educational materials. It is possible to choose between different languages.
- ask doctors -> here you can ask questions from nephrologists. After a doctor has answered your question, the question and answer will be published.
- discussion -> here you can share your personal experiences, ask questions and join discussions with other patients.
This page has been created as one part of project OLDIAS2. OLDIAS2 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 767572.