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Here you can ask questions from nephrologists.

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Advice given

Read what advice doctors have given to patients.

  • Weight loss with dialysis

    18. July 2019

    Can I draw more fluid to go down in weight?

    Annika Adoberg


    Hemodialyis is not about weight loss - it can be about removing fluid excess. Only fluid within circulating blood volume can be dialyzed away. The body requires a certain amount of fluid to function. Maintaining healthy weight is good for recommended for all patients.

  • Where comes the differences in dialysis length?

    18. July 2019

    Why do some patients go only 3 or 4 hours on dialysis when I have to go 5?

    Annika Adoberg


    The dialysis time depends exceedingly on how long it takes to clean your blood optimally, but that in turn depends on how large your body is (weight, muscle mass, sex), how well your dialysis access works and if you have any residual kidney function.

  • Urine flow connection to dialysis length

    18. July 2019

    During the dialysis, almost no fluid draws from me because I have good urine volumes. Why do I have to go as long as those who do not urinate at all?

    Annika Adoberg


    The dialysis performs three important functions: a. Remove excess fluid. b. Remove waste products. c. Corrects salt- and pH balance in the blood. The body consists of several fluid compartments; e.g. blood, fluid in and around all cells, but we only get access to the blood with dialysis. When it comes to removing waste products, during dialysis when the blood is cleansed, it takes time for the body to redistribute waste from compartments outside the blood, so that the whole body get cleansed. It is this that needs time.

  • Materjalid

    12. July 2019

    Tänan saadud info eest! On tõesti dialüüsist täielikumat pilti loovad ja patsiendile kasulikud materjalid!

    Annika Adoberg


    Täname Teid, et meie infomaterjale lugesite - meil on hea meel, kui leidsite nendest enda jaoks olulist teavet hemodialüüsravi kohta.

  • Kysimus Kt/V kohta

    12. July 2019

    Kas dialüüsi kvaliteedi parameetrit Kt/V saaks asendada mõne muu parameetriga, mis oleks otsesemalt seotud suremuse ja erinevate ureemiliste soluutide tasemega veres?

    Annika Adoberg


    Dialüüsi kvaliteedi parameeter Kt/V hindab üksnes uurea muutust hemodialüüsravi protseduuri vältel ega suuda seetõttu hinnata ühtki teist neeurpuudulikkusega seotud jääkainet. Paralleelselt kasutatakse uurea vähenemise taset (URR) - ka see suudab hinnata üksnes uureat. Teiste ureemiliste ainete määramiseks on olemas meetodid, kuid need ei ole laialdaselt kasutusel - mida paremini ureemilisi aineid tunneme, seda paremini oskame hinnata nende mõju tervisele ning kasutada meetodeid nende määramiseks. Nt ureemiliste toksiinide hindamine optilisel meetodil on andnud paljulubavaid tulemusi ja võimalik, et saame seda varsti praktikas kasutada.

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